Physical therapy is a medical science that specializes in helping a body relieve from pain, heal from injury, perform better in work/play/leisure. Pain relief is achieved with all natural means that involves no side-effects or drugs. Procedures such as the following:Pressure-Point Release In this procedure the therapist or clinical assistant searches for muscles that are actively in spasm or causing pain. They then push on the muscle for 1-2 minutes. Initially it will cause soreness but … More
Cellphone, Laptop and Computer Use Can Hurt Your Neck
How DOES your cellphone, laptop,and computer use hurt your neck?These are gadgets that make our … Continue Reading
3 Easy Exercises for TMJ Dysfunction
There are many exercises that are taught in physical therapy for TMJ dysfunction. I'd like to share … Continue Reading
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome or TOS? There are nerves and veins … Continue Reading
TMJ Dysfunction
What is TMJ Dysfunction? The Temporomandibular joint is the connection of the jaw bone to the side … Continue Reading