Heat pads, Ice packs, Electrical Stimulation and Ultrasound
Heating pads, ice packs, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound are used in physical therapy and most patients say it does not help with their pain and injury. These are passive treatment that are helpful with certain conditions, but should be used early and weaned off quickly. It shoulder never be the main part of your treatment program. Sad to say, there are still a lot of therapy clinics that do this…then you know you’re in the wrong place.
Heating pads and ice packs
These should be used by the patient at home. Proper instruction and use of the pads and packs are essential. Patients can use this anytime of the day and can relax while on it.
Getting to the root cause of the problem
A good physical therapist will get to the root cause of the problem which has long lasting results. They will also teach you how to manage and take control of your pain or problem through education and instruction.
What are other treatments out there?
Soft tissue mobilization is the application of movement and force to muscles, ligaments, nerves or other soft tissue structures to promote healing. This can also be used to relieve pain. There may be discomfort with this procedure.
Pressure point release is applied to muscles that are is spasms or causing pain. Pressure is applied to the affected muscle for about 1-2 minutes. This may cause soreness in the area but should not come back. This helps normalize muscles and reduce pain.
Kinetic Movement helps correct posture, healing for strength, and it is also specific to your ailment. Rather than doing “therapeutic exercises”, kinetic movement is more personal, tailored to your needs to help strengthen you in the specific weakness, or injury you have.
Dry Needling is the use of sterile, single use, solid monofilament needles at various lengths and angles to help release tight structures, trigger points, and relieve pain which leads to improved motion. Dry needling must not be mistaken with Acupuncture. Acupuncture uses meridians for treatment.
Cold Laser uses photons (invisible light on the electromagentic spectrum) that stimulates all the cells that it passes through to heal and strengthen the area, improve circulation, targets injured tissues. It is safe on children, pacemakers, joint replacements or any metal in the body such as screws and plates from broken bones.
Be wary of…
- physical therapy facilities that overuse “passive treatments” such as heat, ice, electrical stimulation and ultrasound
- facilities that don’t teach you how to control your pain at home, work and leisure activities
- facilities where you don’t learn something new at each and every visit.
If you need physical therapy and would like to get longer lasting results, call our office at (443) 906-6070 and make an appointment today!
By Jennifer Angeles (Updated: 06/14/2020)