Do you have back pain from sitting at your desk 8 hours a day, 5 days a week?
You may not know it, but back pain from sitting for 40 hours a week can hurt you. Sitting at your desk can lead to backache and fatigue from slouching over your desk all week. Since you sit most of the time during the day, it is best to learn some back care tips that could help you prevent injury and strain.
Sitting Monday Through Friday
Back pain from sitting for long periods at work from Monday through Friday is quite common. There is long, unrelieved pressure on the back sitting in one position, and leads to slouching. Then on Friday nights and weekends, you engage in activities like dancing, hiking, playing a sport, and your back may feel fine. Come Friday again, your back may be tired and prone to injury. It’s not your job that causes the problem, it’s how you treat your back on and off the job.

A back care solution from pain from sitting
There are simple things you can do to save your back from the everyday strain of sitting.
- Start with good sitting posture.
- Shift your sitting position to take pressure off your lower back.
- Get up and walk around .
- Simple back exercises you can do right at your desk to release muscle tension.
Back Care Exercises for People Who Sit
Here are some back care exercises that could help you break your sitting cycle and release muscle tension. It can also help realign your spine from slouching. Doing these exercises will give your good circulation and may boost your energy!
- Chin Tucks. To realign your natural curve in the neck, simply slide your chin straight back, keeping your head and ears level. It feels like you have a double chin when doing this exercise. Repeat 5-10 times, several times a day
- Middle Back Stretch. To realign your upper back, bend both elbows and swing your arms back and forth, as if you would when running. Repeat 5-10 times, several times a day.
- Back Extension in Standing. To release the slouch curve in your lower back, stand up, press your palms on your lower back , and gently bend your upper and lower back backward. Repeat 5-10 times, several times a day.
- Shoulder Circles. to release tension in your neck and shoulder, roll your shoulders backwards. Repeat 5-10 times, several times a day
- Elbow Press. To release tension in your middle back, bring your arms to your side with elbows bent and gently squeeze your shoulder blades together. Repeat 5-10 times, several times a day.
- Abdominal Isometrics. To strengthen your abdominal muscles which helps support your back, first make sure you are sitting with your buttocks firmly against the back of the chair. Exhale and tighten your abdominal muscles for a count of 10. Repeat 5-10 times, several times a day.
If you’re still experiencing back pain, call us today at KTS Physical Therapy for an appointment!
By Jennifer Angeles (Updated: 06/14/2020)